In Malaysia, planning for retirement is a critical component of financial security, prompting individuals to explore various retirement options. This comprehensive guide provides an overview of the diverse retirement plan Malaysia, helping you navigate through choices to find the best fit for your future needs.

Employees Provident Fund (EPF)

The EPF is one of the most fundamental and widely used retirement savings platforms in Malaysia. Mandatory for Malaysian employees, this government-managed fund requires contributions from both employers and employees. The standard contribution rate is 11% from the employee and a minimum of 12% from the employer, depending on the age and salary bracket. Upon reaching the age of 55, contributors can withdraw the full amount accumulated in their EPF account, which includes both the contributions and the dividends earned over the years.

Private Retirement Schemes (PRS)

For those seeking additional ways to save for retirement, Malaysia offers Private Retirement Schemes (PRS). These schemes are voluntary and managed by private financial institutions, providing an investment option to supplement the EPF. PRS accounts are flexible, allowing contributors to choose how much and how often they invest. Additionally, contributions to PRS are eligible for tax relief, enhancing the benefits of opting for this retirement saving route.

Government Pension Scheme

The Government Pension Scheme is applicable to Malaysian government employees and offers a defined benefit upon retirement. Eligible employees receive a monthly pension based on their last drawn salary and length of service. This scheme provides a steady income post-retirement and is considered one of the most reliable sources of retirement funding for government personnel.

Annuities and Insurance-based Retirement Plans

Annuities are another option for retirement planning in Malaysia. These financial products provide a fixed income stream for a set period or for the retiree’s lifetime, depending on the structure of the policy. Insurance companies often offer these plans, which can be purchased using a lump sum or through regular contributions during one’s working years. They are particularly beneficial for those looking for predictable, stable retirement income.

Real Estate as a Retirement Investment

Investing in real estate is a common strategy for building retirement wealth in Malaysia. Property investment can offer both rental yields and capital appreciation. However, it requires significant capital outlay and management. Real estate can be a lucrative retirement option but should be handled with careful planning and consideration of market conditions.

Leveraging Unit Trusts

Unit trusts are collective investment schemes that pool money from many investors to invest in a variety of assets. They offer flexibility and the potential for higher returns, which can be advantageous for retirement savings. With professional management, unit trusts can form a key part of a diversified retirement strategy, particularly for those looking to balance risk and return.


Malaysia provides several retirement planning options, each with unique features and benefits. Whether it’s through the EPF, PRS, government pensions, annuities, real estate, or unit trusts, understanding these options is essential for building a robust retirement plan Malaysia. It’s advisable to consult with financial advisors to tailor a strategy that aligns with your retirement goals and financial situation, ensuring a comfortable and secure retirement.



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